Dry fruit bottle packaging will be continuously upgraded

The market sales of dried fruit have been increasing in recent years. With the improvement of people's living standards, the consumption market of dried fruit will continue to expand. The rapid growth of the dried fruit market has also created demand for the dried fruit bottle market.
In the past, dried fruits were mainly scattered or bagged. With the market's emphasis on dried fruit consumption. For dried fruit packaging gradually turned into dried fruit bottle packaging. Dried fruit bottle packaging also began to appear plastic and glass bottle packaging. Among them, it is still recommended that hard plastic dry fruit bottles are welcomed by dried fruit manufacturers. Although such dry fruit bottle packaging is simple, it has a low cost and is therefore welcomed by the market.
For dried fruit bottle packaging, with the continuous upgrading of consumption, the packaging of dried fruit bottles in the future will also shift to high-end. In order to pursue product differences. Dry fruit bottle packaging will inevitably continue to upgrade.
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